Case Reports

A case report of complicated giant liver abscess caused by ESBL producing Klebsiella pneumoniae


  • Kadriye Yaşar
  • Filiz Pehlivanoğlu
  • Semra Sandıkcı
  • Gönül Şengöz
  • Adem Duru

Received Date: 16.12.2010 Accepted Date: 21.02.2011 Med J Bakirkoy 2012;8(3):136-139

Liver abscess most frequently occurs secondary to biliary gland and biliary tract diseases with a clinical picture with fever, nausea and vomiting, and right upper abdominal pain. Diabetes mellitus and immunosuppression are risk factors for abscess formation and other complications. Besides technological innovations, radiological technics and invasive procedures have been developed for diagnosis and this has led to decrease in the mortality and morbidity of liver abscess. Abdominal ultrasonography is a frequently used method but, computed tomography is the gold standard for diagnosis.

In this study, a 67-year-old diabetic male patient who developed complicated liver abscess after laparoscopic cholesystectomy caused by extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing Klebsiella pneumoniae was presented.

Keywords: Liver abscess, Klebsiella pneumoniae, percutaneous catheter drainage,extended spectrum beta lactamase, ESBL