Case Reports

Deep Intramuscular Lipoma in Thigh


  • Naci Ezirmik
  • Kadri Yıldız

Received Date: 17.09.2011 Accepted Date: 19.11.2011 Med J Bakirkoy 2011;7(4):167-169

This report describes a rare occurrence of intramuscular lipoma of the thigh. A 55 years-old woman applied to clinic with a history of progressive, painful mass in the right distal thigh for 3 years. Mass had been located in the biceps femoris muscles medially in the computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging sections. The mass was excised from borderlines of capsular structures. Diagnosis of this benign neoplasm is facilitated by x-ray, computerized tomography, and especially magnetic resonance imaging. Deep-lying lipomas of the extremities are usually found in the thighs or shoulders. These benign growths may be intermuscular or intramuscular and are most often discovered incidentally or during evaluation of a usually painless swelling.

Keywords: Deep-lying lipoma, intramuscular lipoma, thigh, lipoma