Case Reports

Laparoscopic excision of mesenteric cyst: Case report

  • Adem Karataş
  • Faik Özçelik
  • Kağan Karabulut
  • Kağan Zengin

Received Date: 15.05.2006 Accepted Date: 31.05.2006 Med J Bakirkoy 2006;2(2):66-67

Mesenteric cysts (MC) are rare intra-abdominal tumors which are usually asymptomatic. MC are found incidentally by laparotomy or by radiological investigations. In symptomatic cases common clinical presentations include abdominal pain and painless abdominal mass. The incidence of occurence in adults is 1:100000. Although they can occur through whole mesentery, most MC occurs on ileum and right colon mesentery. The treatment is surgical. Surgical treatment is total resection of cyst by conventional or laparoscopic surgery. Circulatory failure can occur in the affected intestinal segment depending on the cyst size and location after excision which may lead to segmental resection as done in our case.

Keywords: Mesenteric cyst, laparoscopy, treatment