Case Reports

Incisional endometrioma in the rectus abdominis muscle


  • Oğuzhan Dinçel

Received Date: 02.01.2012 Accepted Date: 02.02.2012 Med J Bakirkoy 2014;10(3):130-132

Endometriosis is the existence of endometrial tissue in the extrauterin cavity. Abdominal wall endometrioma is a well circumscribed mass composed of endometrial gland and stroma which may devolop after agynecologic surgery such as a cesarean section at the scar of incision. The diagnosis of scar endometrioma is usually not difficult and based on history and physical examination. We reported here a cese who developed endometrioma on the abdominal wall in the rectus abdominis muscle and was treated with local exicision. In conclusion cyclic painful mass at the cesarean section scar is pathognomonic and large excision is the advisable treatment.

Keywords: Endometriosis, endometrioma, abdominal wall, scar