Case Reports

Intractable bleeding from hemorrhoid piles after Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy: Case report

  • Aziz Sümer
  • Neşet Köksal
  • Ediz Altınlı

Received Date: 01.07.2006 Accepted Date: 24.10.2006 Med J Bakirkoy 2007;3(1):40-42

Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is a new approach to the treatment of hemorrhoids. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy has recently become a widely accepted procedure for second and third degree hemorrhoids. In comparison to conventional hemorrhoidectomy, the reduction of postoperative pain and the shorter hospital stay made stapled hemorrhoidopexy a recommended surgical procedure. Various authors have reported multiple complications, including persistent anorectal pain, faecal urgency, stricture formation, recurrent prolapses, pelvic sepsis, rectal perforations and bleeding.

The aim of this study is to evaluate a case along with literature who had intractable bleeding from hemorrhoid piles after stapled hemorrhoidopexy.

Keywords: Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy, hemorrhoid pile, bleeding