Case Reports

Peripheral giant cell granuloma: case report

  • Ömer Erdur
  • Fatma Tülin Kayhan
  • Mehmet Serhad Toprak
  • Öztürk Aktaş

Received Date: 01.11.2007 Accepted Date: 10.05.2008 Med J Bakirkoy 2008;4(3):122-125

Peripheral giant cell granuloma (giant cell epulis, osteoclastoma, reparatory giant cell granuloma, giant cell hiperplasia) is a rare reactive exophytic lesion of the oral cavity, originating from the periosteum or periodontal membrane. The etiology is not well-known, however it is thought to be a secondary reaction to chronic irritation.

In this report, we presented a 62-year-old male patient with an enlarging mass on the right upper gum, after tooth extraction. According to the biopsy which revealed peripheral giant cell granuloma, entire lesion was excised and underlying defective bone was curetted as treatment. The wide defective mucosal area was closed by palatal flap. There was no evidence of recurrence during a 10-month follow-up period.

Keywords: Giant cell granuloma, epulis