
Pregnancy following kidney transplantation


  • Özhan Özdemir
  • Mustafa Erkan Sarı
  • Cemal Atalay

Received Date: 17.09.2013 Accepted Date: 25.11.2013 Med J Bakirkoy 2014;10(1):1-6

Widespread use of renal transplantation, and successful kid¬ney transplant practices in young patients, has highlighted the demands of pregnancy in transplanted patients who are in the fertile age group. After a successful transplantation, renal and endocrine functions quickly return to normal in many women and ovulation ensues. Women with a renal transplant can have a successful pregnancy; however there are many risks for both the mother and the fetus. The success of a pregnancy after renal transplantation is related to proper immunosuppressive drug doses allow allograft functioning and protect the maternal and fetal health, treatment and care of pregnancy complications. These patients should be carefully monitored and a multidisciplinary approach with specialists of nephrology, obstetrics and neonatology is required. We aimed to discuss this issue which requires a multidisciplinary approach by emphasizing obstet¬ric management of a transplanted patient.

Keywords: Kidney transplantation, pregnancy, posttransplant pregnancy