The Helicobacter pylori positivity was 55.2% in general and observed mostly in the antrum and 45-64 age group, while no any difference was detected between the location, age groups, subgroups with over and under 50 and the degree of Helicobacter pylori colonization.
The Helicobacter pylori was detected as at least one positive, 206 (55.2%) and negative, 167 (44.8%). Helicobacter pylori was positive for 73 of 147 (49.7%) in corpus and 114 of 197 (57.9%) in antrum. No difference was detected between the general stomach (p=0.292), antrum (p=0.896) and corpus (p=0.184), age groups and also new subgroup (over and under 50, in the antrum) and the Helicobacter pylori colonization.
Materials and Methods:
The histopathology results of endoscopic gastric mucosal samples of 373 cases, between February 2009 and February 2013, based on updated Sydney System had been retrospectively analysed. The existance of Helicobacter pylori had been investigated according to six age groups.
The aim of this study is to detect the Helicobacter pylori frequency and also to evaluate the connection of the location, age groups with the degree of Helicobacter pylori colonization.
Helicobacter pylori, Sydney System, stomach, pyloritic antrum, gastric corpus, endoscopy, biopsy
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