How violence on TV effect our children?
Case Reports
P: 85-88
June 2012

How violence on TV effect our children?

Med J Bakirkoy 2012;8(2):85-88
1. Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Kliniği, Ankara
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 22.09.2010
Accepted Date: 02.11.2010


The recent decrease in the age interval of children who commit suicide is thought to be related to the violent images seen on television (TV). Cases of two young children influenced by the films they watched on TV who attempted suicide are reported here. First case was a four year old girl brought to our emergency clinic by her family for taking pills of diclophenac sodium SR 30 minute prior to their arrival. Interview with the patient and her family revealed that, the four year old girl asked for a toy microphone from her father and when the father rejected, she recalled a girl taking pills on a TV film and since she saw that nothing happened to her, she took the pills herself. The patient’s physical examination showed that her general condition was well; however, she was evaluated to have hyperactivity. Second case was a seven year old unconscious and intubated girl brought to our emergency clinic. Interview with her family revealed that, after reprehended by her mother, the girl locked herself in her room and after 15 minutes, when her family members broke the door open and entered her room, she was found hanging on a bunk bed with a play rope. The patient was monitored on a ventilator for two days and after she recovered, she explained that she saw the act of hanging self on TV. Both patients were cared by psychologists.

We think that it is very worrying to see some kids attempting suicide without knowing the consequences. We believe that in order to prevent violent behavior, more care should be taken in family-environment, media and TV programs.

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