The “T” staging based only on the palpation findings was incorrectly determined in 8/23 cases (34.8%); addition of mamography lower the error rate to 2/23(8.7%). We believe that larger studies are necessary for significant results.
Only the USG was deficient in determination of diameter of malignant tumors; with addition of palpation findings were significantly (p=0.014) supportive; the mammographic and palpation findings together increased the correlation coeficient (p=0.001). Fibroadenoma diameter was significantly correlated with all procedures, but the findings of mammography and sonography were more reliable compared with palpation findings.
Of the 33 cases with palpable breast tumors operated in the last 2 years, 23 were invasive ductal cancer and 10 were fibroadenoma. USG with MMG was done and compared with pathological specimen diameter (the longest diameter). Because of their behaviours, fibroadenomas were used as control group.
In general, the diameters of malignant tumors are determinated preoperatively by palpation, but in a significant number of patients inappropriate staging causing inappropriate therapies are inevitable. The aim of this study is to define the role of mammosonography in determination of exact size of breast tumors.