Pressure sore prevention and treatment knowledge of nurses
P: 133-139
September 2017

Pressure sore prevention and treatment knowledge of nurses

Med J Bakirkoy 2017;13(3):133-139
1. Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi, Zonguldak Sağlık Yüksekokulu, Hemşirelik Bölümü, Zonguldak
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Received Date: 01.08.2016
Accepted Date: 05.09.2016



Knowledge about pressure sore prevention and management of nurses was moderate level. The knowledge scores were significantly affected by the nurses’ characteristics. These results will contribute to studies and education strategies in this area.


The mean knowledge score about prevention of pressure sore of the nurses was 15.63±1.82. The mean knowledge score about management of pressure sore of nurses was 15.69±2.01. The knowledge scores about prevention for pressure sore were significantly increased among nurses worked in state hospital and medical department, attended in-service training (p<0.05). The knowledge scores about management for pressure sore were significantly increased among nurses worked in state hospital and emergency department, attended in-service training (p<0.05). The mean age, working years, gender, department, knowledge sources of nurses showed significantly an association with knowledge score of management for pressure sore (p<0.05).

Material and Methods:

This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 523 nurses working in a university and state hospitals in Zonguldak. Data were collected between March and May 2014, using a personal information form, questionnaire which was developed based on European Pressure Ulcers Advisory Panel and National Pressure Ulcers Advisory Panel guidelines. Data were analyzed by Independent samples t test, One way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, and Pearson correlation tests.


The aims of the study were to determine nurses’ level of knowledge of pressure sore prevention and treatment on the hospitalized patients and affecting factors.

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