The aim of this study was to determine the frequency, clinical and demographic characteristics of inpatients in pediatric rehabilitation services.
One hundred and fifty-three inpatients were evaluated. The gender, age, type of disease, etiology, orthoses, deformities, duration of hospitalization were recorded.
The mean age of one hundred and fifty-three patients (92 male, 61 female) was 5.5±3.7 years. The most commonly seen disorder was cerebral palsy with a 66.7% percentage. Spina bifida was noted as the second most common disease (8.5%). While the most common etiologic causes were prematurity in the prenatal period (45.8%), convulsion (36.6%) and trauma (10%) in the postnatal period. 81% of the patients had a foot deformity and 39.9% of them were using an Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO). The other deformities and frequencies were noted as 57.5% knee deformity, 49% hip deformity, 23% upper extremity deformity and 11.8% axial deformities. 19% of the patients have had an operative procedure. Mean hospital stay duration was 36.3±3.7 months.
The majority of patients in the pediatric rehabilitation service were patients with cerebral palsy, while one third were patients with other neurodevelopmental disorders. This study is important to determine the diseases of inpatients and to be aware of the existing deformities and orthoses.
Pediatrics, rehabilitation, cerebral palsy
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